About Us
Bio Carbon International is focused on bio carbon production and technology. Utilizing waste biomass from timber and agriculture we are able to produce quality bio carbon products on an industrial scale. Our process is low energy, sequesters CO2 and prevents emissions of methane and other harmful greenhouse gases from decaying biomass.
Our Products
Bio Carbon products made from waste biomass and technology licensing for Bio Carbon production process and plant design.

Bio Coal
Our bio coal is carbon neutral, and can be used as a full or partial replacement for fossil coal in coal fired power plants. An instant solution for the industry. Having the same BTU value (22-26Gj)…

Biochar can be controlled to satisfy the requirements of various environmentally friendly products that are required to remediate air, water, and soil…

Super Terra Preta Organic Mix
Our patented Super Terra Mix is a patented organic fertilizer with a biochar component. This product is intended to be used in agriculture, agroforestry…

Bio Metallurgic Coal
Used in the manufacture of steel. Higher carbon content than bio coal and customisable to user specifications. Carbon neutral and renewable.
Watch our Bio Carbon Intro Video Below
What is Terra Preta?
Terra Preta is comprised of a bio carbon (biochar) component, clay, bone, manure, and native soil and was used by Pre Columbian ancestors to terra form the area for agriculture. In fact, Terra Preta is often credited for the rise of civilization in South and Central America and the creation of the lush Amazon forests that are so vital to our ecosystem today. Having been heavily researched for decades it is now evident that the Terra Preta was created intentionally and there is evidence of biochar component soils throughout the ancient world from South America, Asia, Europe, and Africa. Biochar and biochar mixed soils have been studied in detail and now over 4000 studies have shown its effectiveness in boosting water retention, microbial activity, and productivity of even the most arid and degraded soils. Biochar has shown more than double the productivity of chemical fertilizers and is totally organic and absorbs pollution while sequestering co2 in its application.
In a day and age where the forests of the world are burning at alarming rates, biochar and Terra Preta represent an opportunity to restore our degraded soils, reduce emissions, conserve water, and reduce pollution. Though biochar has been available for some time, it has not been produced in quantities great enough for widespread application in commercial agriculture and production costs where too high to compete with the chemical fertilizer market. Terra Preta is usually approximately 20% biochar component mixed with clay, bone fragments, organic waste, and native soil. Testing and analysis has been focused on how to recreate these soils to boost agricultural development, soil resotration, reforestation, and agroforestry. Bio Carbon International and its soil product division Terra Preta organics has licensed the technology and design patents for Super Terra Preta, and will be able to produce an organic, carbon-negative, fertilizer that is cost competitive with conventional chemical fertilizers. Our Super Terra Preta mix is a patented PH balanced formula combining our world class bio carbon, a hydrophillic gel, nutrients, and nano clay. For more details on our product please contact us directly.